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Showing posts from October, 2018

Paraphrase of Lincoln Review

Quote form Alcade review:  Spielberg's Lincoln: A Historian's Review Some historians have argued that Lincoln’s personal beliefs underwent a significant change during the last year of the Civil War, and Lincoln did in fact suggest to the reconstructed government of Louisiana in 1864 that “very intelligent” black men and “those who have fought gallantly in our ranks” might be given access to the ballot box. As depicted by the film, during the 1864 Presidential campaign Lincoln threw his support behind passage of the 13th Amendment and was active in securing its passage in 1865. Paraphrase: Near the conclusion of the Civil War Lincoln's previous viewpoint on freedmen was replaced by a more radical viewpoint: giving some black men the vote. He pitched the idea to Louisiana in 1864 suggesting that war heroes and exceptionally smart black men be given the vote. however, the film does not elude to this primarily focusing on establishing the thirteenth amendment and his in...
From Newspaper research I've found that the opinions of Reconstruction differ greatly between regions of the United States. In the south articles  like this one  in the Memphis daily say that reconstruction weakens the strength of the Union, specifically agriculturally. This article argues that the United States has vast agriculture infrastructure and its potential can only be fulfilled by the return of autonomy in the Southern States.
Republicans promised to withdraw troops in the south if the southern democrats allowed for Hayes to take the presidency during a dispute over the most recent election between Hayes and and Tilden. AP U.S.H notes on reconstruction