1. From analyzing Bess' work with his sources, what standards or rules does he seem to be following for citing his work? During the first mention of a source he fully states: the authors first and last name, title of the work, publisher, and year of publication. When citing a source previously cited he shortens to last name, title, then page number; if the source is mentioned twice consecutively he uses 'Ibid' to shorten the citation even further. 2. Bess' work provides us with example of "Annotated" notes. (Examples: 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 25). Based on these examples, what do you understand annotated to mean? Annotated in this context means to give credibility and specific relevance to the example used. 3. Are there sources in the notes that are not MENTIONED directly and explicitly in the text itself? If so, what rule seems to apply? How might he be making that determination? In note 8 he mentions Reading the Holocaust and Morality after Auschwitz altho...